Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day One

     It's official! And we're off with a bang - or a bust, depending on how you want to look at it. Let's start off by simply stating that the cards were stacked against us. My Better Half (MBH) got home from work at 1am. My alarm went off at 5:30am so that I would have time to do my normal routine PLUS make two mushroom omelettes of two different sizes (we're in two different calorie levels) PLUS make two protein shakes for snack PLUS round up the remaining junk food hiding in our house to bestow on my grateful non-P90X brothers. And still make it to church on time! (Granted, normal people don't have to be to church by 7:30, but that's another story.) Actually, we didn't quite make it on time anyway, but we were close.
     As it turned out, I didn't make two different omlettes. In retrospect, I should have gotten up at 4:30. But, then again, maybe not. MBH graciously stepped in to make one giant omelet-that-turned-into-scrambled-eggs-because-it-stuck-to-my-ancient-pan as I yelled directions from the bathrooom while blowdrying my hair. And we used whole eggs, not egg whites, due to my lack of grocery planning. The recipe called for 16 egg whites, but I only had 5 whole eggs and no plain egg whites at all. Not to mention that I was so caught up in the running late and no egg whites dilemma that I forgot the milk, yogurt, and strawberries also in the breakfast menu plan. Good thing, too. We almost couldn't finish the omelet. Apparently going on a diet doesn't always mean going hungry!     
     I've heard that protein powder turns bad (or at least a bad color) if it's mixed and then sits, so we just blended the fruit and milk. No time to measure out the powder into a small container, so we took the whole two pound tub to church. Nothing like a little free advertising for health, right? :) This led to the discovery that egg powder makes funny yellow lumps in your pre-mixed raspberry shake. Fortunately, it still tasted ok.
     (Side note - Gold Selection Egg Powder from GNC tastes like yummy vanilla pudding. Liquid chocolate Muscle Milk is nasty, even chilled.)
     After church, it was TIME! Day One: P90X Chest & Back workout. I must say - I did better than I had expected. Granted, I used the chair assist for all the pullups. And Dive Bomber Pushups left me way too close to rug burn on my nose as I collapsed at the bottom. Never did make it back up to complete the pushup. Better luck next time. (Or maybe in October!)
     Note to self - read the whole instruction manual first! Otherwise, you begin an exhausted victory dance after the 24th set of Chest & Back, only to discover Ab Ripper X is also on today's to-do list. And that completely kicks tush. I am (was) actually quite proud of my abdominal strength, but "Pride goes before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18) New goal - be able to DO Ab Ripper X by October.
     After carefully examining the manual twice more, we declared ourselves done for the day and consumed our recovery drink, sank onto the couch, and watched a movie while we finished the forgotten portion of our breakfast. MBH followed up with a recovery nap as well.
     Normal people would be eating supper by now, but between all the other eating and the exercising and the napping, we're barely ready for lunch. (I did have my afternoon snack while MBH slept. It was beef jerky instead of turkey because the store was out of turkey. Go figure.) Then I suppose we'd better eat supper so we can go to bed. :) This plan to lose weight has some interesting perks!
~Stick to it!

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