Monday, August 2, 2010

Day Two

Today feels like a walk in the park compared to yesterday. I got a whole night's sleep. I ate lunch at lunch time. (We never did get around to supper yesterday. Had a protein shake after "lunch" and called it good.) My Better Half (MBH) is off to work with a cooler that's heavier than his work bag, but I think he has everything he needs. We also have quickly gotten comfortable with changing the program to fit our lifestyle without affecting quality. (I hope!)
     For example, we officially scrapped the menu plan. Didn't even make it to breakfast today! Too much food and too much work. MBH dropped back a calorie level in the hopes of actually being able to eat all the food he's supposed to without feeling sick and overstuffed. I'll eat my food groups separately and count servings. (Though several of the recipes are pretty tasty!)
     Also, today I did "Cardio X" instead of "Plyometrics". The manual says you can if you have bad knees, so my conscience is clear. I don't have bad knees (yet) but I'm not a fan of all that jumping around. And I'm pretty sure I'd end up with bad knees if I did do all that jumping around. Don't get me wrong, it was still a workout. I have always sworn by the adage "Girls don't sweat, they glisten!" But I was sweating.
     Why was today easier? Expectations. I knew the workout was hard, but survivable. I accepted that I wasn't able to do everything perfectly. (My "Jump Shot" exercise only remotely resembled anything related to the basketball move it was named for!) I am finally willing to admit that (as too annoyingly often) MBH was right - I am not athletic. (I may only have 20 invisible pounds I want to lose, but that doesn't make me coordinated!) I was prepared for the fact that eating five times a day feels like you never stop eating.
     Reminds me of the first six months of marriage. I have always been an overachiever and when it came to being a "good wife" that drive kicked into a new gear. Failure! Keeping the house perfectly clean while working and having a life? Not possible. Always being cheerful and unselfish like I was while we were dating? Ain't happenin'. MBH didn't meet some of those expectations either. Sometimes when I childishly sulk to get attention, he leaves the room! We've had to agree that he won't pressure me to play "Zip" (counting windmills) for the duration of every single road trip and I won't resent that he doesn't cook me gourmet meals on his days off. I don't think I will ever be done adjusting my marital expectations, but it has gotten easier.
     The 90 days of P90X seems like forever at this point. A 75th wedding anniversary is a distant date. But the only way to know if they're worth doing is to "Stick to it." ~

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