Friday, October 22, 2010

Day Seventy Five

It's beginning to look promising! With Legs & Back/Ab Ripper out of the way this afternoon, I just might actually for once during this whole ninety days - get all my workouts in on the right days! (Maybe I got it right the very first week, but other than that, I think I've always been off somewhere in the week.) Part of it has to do with my schedule: M/W/F I have more time available, so they make better lifting days. Tuesday I have to "hop to" in order to even have a mere hour open for Cardio.
     I think post-P90X I will lift M/W/F and do Cardio or walking Tu/Th/Sat. This would put my day of rest/X Stretch on Sunday (instead of Saturday, as currently) which is probably more theologically correct anyway! :) Of course, the other reason why I've been off-schedule most of the time is that life tends to get in the way of plans. Sometimes you're sick, or away from home, or have company, or discover different priorities. Pretty sure that won't change in a week or two. Although my goal is to keep exercising six days a week, I doubt it will happen very often. But, in a couple weeks, it won't matter! "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who P90X." (Romans 8:1, paraphrased)
     In fifteen days, my life may look fairly similar to what it does now. I still plan to exercise daily and watch what I eat. (At least as much as I do now!) But the motivation will be different. No longer the law of a program, but the grace of a desire to do what's good for me and those around me. My spiritual life may look the same as that of one who lives by the "rules" of Christianity, but the motivation is different. I don't have to earn God's favor, or my place in heaven - I'm free to follow what God says is good for me and for those around me. What a blessing to not have to "get it right."
~Stick to it!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day Seventy Four

As the end approaches, I begin contemplating if I will continue with the DVD's once the 90 days is over. Fortunately, I still have sixteen days remaining to contemplate. Some days, I could see this becoming a routine (slightly adjusted for real life, of course!) Others, like today (Yoga X) I swear I'm gonna be done and never look back.
     However, I do have to admit, even Yoga has proven more practical than I expected. For example, our washing machine needs some remedial attention. So today I pulled it out (Thanks to Back & Biceps that I could even move the beast in the first place!) to look things over. (Do we really need to call a repairman? Really?) Of course, the laundry corner is such that (without unhooking all the water, etc) I have to climb over the top and behind the washer to access the back panel. But it was disgusting back there. Dirt, dead spiders, random round no-longer-indentifiable candies...nasty. No way am I climbing back there without cleaning it first.
     Problem. Can't clean back there without climbing back there. Can't climb back there without cleaning it first. Yoga X to the rescue! There's about a foot of space between the washer and dryer. A little standing splits/half moon pose bends me double in the gap so I can scrub the floor!
     (Actually, it was quite a process. First, I had to sweep from the top down to purge all spiderwebs and dust bunnies. Then scrub all the hoses and panels with a hot rag and vinegar so that I could even THINK about putting my face anywhere near them. Third, resweep everything the rag knocked down. Then scrub as much of the floor as I could reach by doing X Stretch through the washer/dryer gap while seated on the floor. Did I mention I also had to move everything else out of the laundry/storage corner so I even had room to move the washer out in the first place? Why do I have so much stuff?)
     Next, to climb back there (Multiple times, I might add. It's like squats, only with hoses and cords in the way.) and analyze the situation!
~Stick to it!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day Seventy Three

Ok, this may sound a little strange, but I hate to see Shoulders & Arms/Ab Ripper go. When I started, I had decent triceps, acceptable biceps, and wimpy shoulders. The combo meant each exercise found me switching weight plates. Eleven weeks later, I've finally gotten them evened out so I use the same poundage (Is that a word? I doubt it!) for most of the exercises. (Upon reflection, apparently that means that my shoulders have improved a lot, my biceps a little, and triceps...not so much. Win some, lose some.) And now, I'm done with that particular routine.
     On a more encouraging note, whereas Dreya (gal on the DVD) was using 10 pounds for one exercise (see Day Ten post) I am now using about 12.5 pounds! Boo yah!
     ~Stick to it!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day Seventy Two

Dogging it with Cardio today. Between a poor diet over the weekend (Monday, Monday, Monday...) inadequate breakfast, and just general lack of motivation/willpower, it wasn't a stellar performance. However, I did finish it. I am still alive. There aren't as many ladybugs on my ceiling today. It's a beautiful afternoon. I got the laundry done before the washing machine began losing parts. The car doesn't need an oil change yet. My blessing are many. Count yours!
     Stick to it!

Day Seventy One

Last day EVER to do Chest and Back/Ab Ripper! (At least until I decide how to continue to use P90X as an ongiong fitness program.) To honor it's passing, I went back and read the blog entry from the first time I did it. I can clearly state that things have changed since seventy one days ago. Back then, I was using the chair to help with pullups. (This allows you to use your legs to get up, making it much easier.) Now I am down to a one loop band assist. I suspect that in another twenty days, I just might be able to do a whole chinup without any help at all. Back then, Ab Ripper had eleven moves, twenty five reps each. I could do eleven moves, about ten reps each, taking a break every three reps! Now, I can do the whole workout, start to finish, even doing the advanced version of some of the moves. Never thought I'd get there!
      Back then, I was constantly thinking about the diet. Now, I occasionally think about trying to eat somewhat close to the diet. This change would not be considered an improvement. I was discussing my lack of spare tire loss with my pro bono personal trainer (brother.) Unfortunately for my argument, he also reads this blog. His comment? "There were an awful lot of cheat days in that blog!" Which is true, to my embarassment. Although I have gotten stronger, fat loss requires not only higher metabolism, but also lower empty caloric intake. I only have the first part down.
     Still, I'm encouraged to be able to start closing off workouts. My Better Half asked me if I am still enjoying P90X. My answer is yes - I'm glad we did it. But it is nice to see the end in sight.
~Stick to it!

Day Seventy

Easy day today. X Stretch is so relaxing! Systematically working out all the muscles from the neck down. I suppose for the best results a person should be stretching three times a week. The downside to lifting is that it tightens the muscles, reducing range of motion and flexibility. Stretching regularly can offset that, but it's hard to devote an hour a day to lifting, plus an hour for stretching.
      Speaking of stretching, pretty sure that is what my belly will be doing this afternoon. Headed over to my parents for lasagna and apple crisp!
~Stick to it!