Friday, August 6, 2010

Day Six

"Kenpo X" - martial arts as exercise! I won't lie, I was looking forward to today. I experimented with some various forms of self-defense after high school and had a blast. The best part was that the instructor was a police officer, etc. so we heard practical tips, real life examples, and some great stories! (And some gory, but that's not the point!) I think I would have enjoyed taking it farther (or is it further? English experts, anyone?) but you can only do so much in one lifetime. You may have "Top Twenty" priorities, but if you plan on sleeping or eating, better pick ten. And if you want to do them well, pare it down to five.
     Therefore, Kenpo brought back some good memories. But it's a good thing no one is watching anymore. I ain't no teenager no more. (Actually, if you're an English expert, you should probably not read this. You don't need this kind of stress in your life!) All that uncoordinated jiggling was embarrassing me!
     In my defense, I think it was a little rotten of Tony Horton to put Kenpo right after "Legs & Back." I could barely walk yesterday (ok, slight exaggeration, but only slight!) and today...all that kicking? Followed by all that punching while down in a "horse stance"? (Horse stance: like a squat, only you never come back up. Isn't that nice.) Pretty sure I need a cane to get the mail tomorrow.
     Pro - drinking lots of water is healthy for you. It gets the toxins out of your body and into the toilet. Con - it gets the toxins out of your body many, many times a day. Pro - All this exercise helps me sleep better at night. Con - All this exercise makes my muscles sore. (Even with the much touted recovery drink, though I do think it has helped.) Pro - After getting up in the middle of the night to "purge toxins", I fall back asleep faster. Con - With bedroom and bath on two different floors, and sore muscles, I spend way too much time hobbling up and down stairs at three in the morning while questioning my own sanity. Pro - Pretty sure my body will adjust after a few more weeks. (Either that or I will finally get it through my thick skull that the negative effects of drinking water after supper may outweigh the positive health benefits! Timing is everything.)
     The end is in sight! (Of the first week of thirteen anyway.)
~Stick to it!

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