Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day Twenty Seven

Another black mark for Wii - it DIScourages real exercise! Case in point: We finally got around to checking into redeeming our credit card points. Turns out you can get stuff or just free money! So we turned in most of our points, went to the store, and lucked out with a black Wii set. (I like that it matches our TV and other decor in the living room. Matching is good!) Never would have spent good money on expensive frivolities without a lot of discussion and saving otherwise. Came home, My Better Half (MBH) set it up, and we spent the rest of the day...not working out. :) Had the family over, indulged our self-absorbed side as we created our Mii, enjoyed a good supper (fed them all beans and sent them home!) and engaged in a week's worth of outdoor sports without leaving the comfort of our couch!
     Granted, it seems a bit harsh to blame an inanimate object for our moral failures. Especially considering that, though the Wii created the opportunity for socialization, it didn't monopolize all interaction. We turned it off over supper, discussed non-Wii-related topics, and MBH and I took the folks walking around town while the brothers played.
     Bottom line: I can berate myself for falling yet another day behind on P90X, or I can get up and make a different choice the next day. Made a mistake or multiple ones? You don't have to make the same choice today.
~Stick to it!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day Twenty Six

"Practice makes perfect" may be a bit of a stretch, but there is something to be said for repetition typically assisting improvement. Yoga today, even without the added entertainment of My Better Half trying to manipulate his six foot six frame into a pretzel, seemed a tad easier. Whatdaya know!
     My other current challenge is trying to come up with recipes high in protein and veggies, low in carbs. I was raised to plan your meal based on a meat, a veggie, and a starch. Eliminate the sauces that turn a meat into a topping, and the problem is compounded. Multiply that by needing a whole lot, every day. (We eat a bag of frozen veggies and a pound of meat twice a day!) I thought I had it this evening. Two pounds ground venison, nearly three pounds ground beef, a bag of black beans, three large cans stewed tomatoes, onions, peppers, spices. It was only after I had cooked the beans that I looked in the manual and discovered that black beans are in the same category as rice. Blast! Oh well - I still think the meat/carb ratio is good enough to be healthy. :)
     ~Stick to it!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day Twenty Five

I think my heart rate gets up higher with Kenpo than Cardio. In part, you just seem to move more. It's sort of like Ab Ripper for the heart...Heart Ripper? I can see why they didn't call it that! Plus, to quote My Better Half (MBH) "It's fun!" It's enjoyable, unoffensive aggression in a non-provocative way. :) It's Wii on steroids! (Ok, it's late, even for us, as I'm writing this, so pardon the dorkiness!)
     On a rabbit trail: I have nothing against Wii. In fact, we hope to get one soon. It's great. But c'mon - advertising it as an ACTIVE video game? That's a stretch. You don't even have to stand up to get a decent score on most of the games. You're moving your wrists AND fingers instead of just your fingers. Whoop dee do. Granted, any improvement is worth applauding. But maybe Junior should be required to walk outside or to a gym, or even just down to the basement to a real basketball hoop in order to generate the type of exercise excitement the promoters of Wii are trying to inspire. I don't object to the game, just the false advertising.
      Ok, enough ranting over Wii. Poor little electronic doesn't know what hit it. Besides, I sat down over supper and figured out that if I do two-a-days the next three days, I'll be caught up and ready for the real work to begin again. Can hardly wait. Makes me tired thinking about it! If I don't turn in soon, I won't get up early enough to fit in all my eating and exercising and eating and exercising and eating tomorrow before going to bed. Can't have that! :)
~Stick to it! 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day Twenty Four

Core Synergistics...(or something like that, I'm not entirely sure as to the correct spelling, much less the proper way to execute all the exercises.) In a nutshell, working torso muscles (fortunately not just a fancier name for Ab Ripper!) and performing moves that work multiples muscle groups simultaneously (Yes! Now instead of isolated body parts in pain, they can hurt in unison! Isn't that nice.)
     In all fairness, it wasn't too bad. If someone wanted a regular workout to cover all the bases, but only take an hour three times a week, this could be it. First time we'd tried this routine, so I was dreading it - fearing another Yoga marathon. But I still had some energy at the end. (Of course, some of that was from smug-ness adrenaline - I was a smige better than My Better Half, quite a rarity!)
     Another first for today - hauled the miso soup out of the deep freezer. I hate to see expensive food go to waste. Even if I don't like it. And what do you know? Add some arrowroot powder to make a gravy, dump in some ground beef, pour it over rice and peas, and voila! Pretty edible. Still won't make the Top Ten Favorite Foods Ever list, but I would eat it again. (And I'll have to, cause there's still a half a bag of miso soup left. Plus the two-thirds can of miso paste still biding it's time in the bottom shelf of my fridge. Did I mention that 3 tablespoons of miso makes a GALLON of soup! Who knows? Maybe it will make the Top Ten by the time it's gone!) 
~Stick to it!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day Twenty Three

So by now I can't even remember how far behind I am on my workouts. I'll pretty much have to do two-a-days the whole recovery week to recover from all the recovering I did the past three weeks. By then I'll be so exhausted from recovering that I'll be glad to return to the regular workouts so I don't have to recover anymore!
     The only way I know what day I'm supposed to be on is this blog - which I'm also behind on! That's why the posts have such boring titles. The only way to stay organized is to be boring. But, I am resolved to do my best to buckle down and catch up this week. I have to - next week I go back to work and will have even less time to do all the things I don't have time to do when I'm taking time off! Now that's what you call ironic! (Yep. Pirates again, it's compulsive!)
     On the bright side, My Better Half and I did Yoga together. A vast improvement over solo Yoga. Instead of being frustrated because I'm falling over all the time from trying to imitate a twisting triangle that's praying while standing on one leg, we can laugh it's impossibility.
~Stick to it!

Day Twenty Two

Recovery week! I was all excited about this until I realized what was on for today - Yoga. Ummm...think I have too many other things to do today. Plus, I'm still hobbling around from my last workout!
~Stick to it!

Day Twenty One

Legs & Back. I'm improving! Played softball this afternoon. Now so sore that I'm skipping the second workout that I had planned to make up for the other workout that I had skipped. Snowball effect, here I come.
~Stick to it!

Day Twenty

I'm beginning to realize that the decision to blog every day for 90 days was good in theory, but lacking in logic. So some of these may be short and sweet. Today - did nothing. Getting back on the wagon is harder than I realized. Once off, it's dang hard to get all the way back up there. Especially when the wagon is moving. And tall. And slippery-sided.
~Stick to it!