Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day Seven

And the first week is over! A little "X Stretch" today, a lot of resting, and (as always) a lot of eating. I'm ingesting about 1800 calories a day, but it feels like way more. Protein apparently does that to you. Supposedly I should lose the fat this month, but we'll see if it happens. Ever seen those models of five pounds of yellow fat? (Or is it ten?) It's bigger than a yoga block! (4x4x8 ish for those of you who, like me, had no idea yoga blocks existed.) My Better Half (MBH) and I both are at comfortable weights for our heights, but we want to adjust where it's at a bit. (Less gut, more guns!)
     After six days of pummeling, my body was SO EXCITED for a day off. My  right elbow is finally starting to recover from the pullup mania of day one. (Just in time to do it again tomorrow. Yippee.) My right hip still complains about moving, but at least it doesn't have to "bring it" again for a few days. MBH did "Legs & Back." His comment? "Seems like it was a little easier than some of the others." Ha! There's no accounting for taste. I quote "Pirates of the Caribbean." (We just finished rewatching the trilogy. So many great lines!)
     I'm reflecting that maybe God knew what He was doing with the "Six days you should labor, and on the seventh, rest" thing. Pick a day, maybe yours can't be Sunday, and relax. Hang with family, read a book, grill out, or whatever floats your boat. MBH doesn't have a set schedule, so when he has a stretch of time open, we drop everything. We visit, either friends/family, or the couch. We play games: card, board, computer, outdoor, you name it. We catch a movie, or four.
     I've noticed that principle applies in other ways, too. After seven hours of work (housework, or whatever) my brain starts shorting out. I find myself walking in circles around the house trying to remember what I was going to do. A 20 minute sit-down, or an hour to nap or read, and I'm recharged for another seven hours. So take a guilt-free break. (Just not on company time, of course!) And maybe pause to thank the One who had the idea in the first place.
~Stick to it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I just found the bookmark someone added to the toolbar today:) Sounds interesting.
