Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day Fifty Six

Note to self: do not do Yoga and X Stretch on the same day either. Again, some serious duplication. Not that I minded this time - since I had already stretched out earlier, I was more flexible than usual. Would have made Gumby jealous. (Ok, not really. Gumby was ridiculous. And his donkey or horse or whatever that orange critter was...I think even it was more flexible than me. Of course, they don't have bones.)
     I was contemplating gender again. Men are naturally stronger in their arms. They also tend to favor weightlifting, which increases upper body strength. Women typically have stronger legs. They tend to favor exercises such as Yoga, which strengthens the lower body and core. Both groups gravitate toward developing the areas of their body which begin genetically stronger. When in reality, maybe guys should do a greater proportion of Yoga; gals, more weights. Not saying ditch the other, but flip-flop the ratio for a more balanced body. Hmmm? (Of course, part of that theory stems from the number of muscled-up dudes with chicken legs. Makes me wonder what would happen if you pushed them those little egg-shaped people toys, only upside down.)
      Of course, "Welcome to the Leg-Gun show" doesn't have the same ring to it. (Reminds me of Legos, whose body parts detach. Don't want that!) And I don't want to have to slit my sleeves just so that they don't bind my biceps.
     Anyway, apparently I am on a historical toy kick tonight. Gumby, Legos, the little egg-people. (Now, sonny, back in MY day they had real toys that fostered imagination and creativity, like Lincoln Logs. After I trudged three miles home from school, uphill in the snowdrifts, me and Billy, who was Jack's second cousin after he married the third-oldest Jensen girl who died of the flu which is why you should always get your flu shot even though now I have this awful creak in my left elbow, would always build forts out of Lincoln Logs.) I should probably go to bed.
~Stick to it!
PS-Disclaimer: I truly enjoy the opportunity to be around my elders, so the above was in no way meant as a personal slam on their conversation skills. It was meant to be a random, late-night conceived, rabbit trail. Any similarity to actual discussions is completely coincidental. :)

Day Fifty Five

Core Synergystics might be an all-around great workout, but that is precisely what I don't like about it! Too much work! Never using more than a 2.5 pound weight, my arms still felt like lead by the end of it. At least, that's how the saying goes. I haven't ever lifted a solid block of lead before, so I'm not sure exactly how heavy that is. If I were to compare it to something more within the realm of my experience, I might say that my arms felt like they were pianos. My brothers, who have moved pianos (mostly mine) enough to know, would say that is heavy indeed. The last time they moved mine, I had to bake them EACH a pie in payment.
     After all that work resulting in so much exhaustion, it's always nice to watch a movie. One I enjoyed recently (courtesy of Netflix) was "The Tooth Fairy" starring Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. It was funny! Decently clean. A hockey player who had his childhood dreams quashed is passing on the cynicism to the next generation. This results in big trouble with the Tooth Fairy squad, the end of which is his two week assignment as a tooth fairy for some attitude rehabilitation. HIs new career takes some...getting used to, even once he receives his proper uniform. (Not the pink tutu one!) Major challenges, but some perks, too. Shrinking paste, dog bark mints, Cat-Away, and amnesia dust, which causes recipients to forget the last few minutes of their life. Very handy. Fortunately, the movie doesn't get too caught up in the bling. After he completely ruins his relationship with his girlfriend and her kids, he has to get them back the normal way - by apologizing. I was waiting for the amnesia dust! Side note - pretty sure Dwayne wouldn't have much trouble with Core Synergystics. So maybe someday I won't either. It's a nice dream! (Except that I never want to be that huge. It looks uncomfortable!)
~Stick to it!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day Fifty Four

Not much to write today. You've already heard about Kenpo with my mother-in-law, so anything else is a step down. I am getting better at it, and feeling more confident, but after fifty four days, you'd hope I'd have made some kind of progress! We did get in on the homemade ice cream (mint with Andes chips on top!) but you shouldn't hear about that. (Having begun to slide on the diet, I'm finding it's getting harder to get back. I miss sugar! Still!) Therefore...til next time!
~Stick to it!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day Fifty Three

Note to self: do not do Core Synergystics and Cardio on the same day again. They share several exercises, so you work the exact same muscles twice in one day. Bad idea. Pretty sure it isn't as productive either because it doesn't allow for much muscle building/recovery in between. In brief - not fun. (However, I have now done all the Cardio I was assigned to do up to this point. My Better Half thinks I'm crazy to make up the workouts I've missed, and he's probably right, but he, at least, is still in the honeymoon phase and hasn't grasped how incredibly stubborn I am.)
     By the way (if you are only interested in reading about P90X, you have my permission to skip this long, and completely unrelated, next section) I have this theory about right-of-way at four-way intersections. You know, those hazards they have in towns (not cities, which is one defining characteristic of a city) where all four directions have a stop sign because the town design committee thought only one car would be arriving at the said intersection at a time. Anyway, in towns large enough to have multiple drivers, the road rules occasionally need a little interpretation and explanation. Technically, there are two rules which, in the mind of the D.O.T., should cover all circumstances: 1) The cars procede in the order they arrived. 2) In the event of multiple cars arriving at the same time, the one on the right has precedence.
     After years of driving, I have come up with my own appendix to further explain the proper protocol. Based on observation, right-of-way is actually granted on a point system.
      A driver receives one point (per sentance) if they:
*Clearly arrived first
*Are on the right and seem to actually know that gives them the right-of-way
*Receive the "wave of courtesy"
*Don't make eye contact
*Have tinted windows so they cannot communicate with the other driver at all
*Are female while the other driver is male
*Are a teenage male
*Are older and smiling
*Are older and can't see over the steering wheel
*Drive an older vehicle that appears destined for scrap anyway
*Drive a larger vehicle that could squish all others
*Are attentive to opportunity, while the other driver is distracted by their McDonalds
     Certain characteristics carry a maximum number of points and supersede all others:
*Having a bad day and determined to "get their way" on at least one thing today
*Have a selfish and aggressive complex and always go first no matter what
*View "Stop" signs as "Pause" signs and never quit moving long enough to check for other traffic

*Are singing passionately, eyes closed, to the radio and don't see the stop sign
     Drivers procede in the order of points, highest awarded to lowest.
Maybe I should print up the addendum for the next driver's ed textbook. Or maybe not. Some people might get so wrapped up in studying the book, they would forget to watch the road!
~Stick to it!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day Fifty Two

(Finished off the brownies.)

Day Fifty One

If there is one thing I feel fairly confident in, it is my ability to give my muscles ample time to recover from any possible, real, imagined, or slightly likely strain. It's only day two of recovery week two and I feel well rested. :) I did do Yoga this morning, but my plans to make up a Cardio this evening went askew due to the pressing need to make My Better Half (MBH) his birthday brownie.
     I know - brownie is decidedly NOT on the P90X food list, however, special occasions call for special exceptions. (We believe in having lots of special occasions in this family! At least two per week, I think!) Also, I compromised by making only a half batch. Growing up in a large family, I don't think I have ever made a half batch of anything. I have seldom made a single batch. It's always double or nothing. (And very seldom nothing!) This is also in part to the difficulty of dividing versus multiplying. What's half of 1 1/4? Who even knows where to locate the 1/8 measuring cup! It's probably long lost due to uselessness! Doubled is easy - measure 1 1/4 out, then do it again! :)
     By the way, best brownies ever. Food Network's Alton Brown's Cocoa Brownies with brown sugar and butter. I used a little less sugar and it tasted like dark chocolate! (MBH prefers milk chocolate, but can I help it if I halved the sugar wrong? I think I'll do it the same way next time. On purpose. In November, of course.) Fortunately for the diet, the grocery was closed by the time I got home from work, so we had to forego the ice cream. Fortunately for us, a little bird told me that my brothers plan to make homemade ice cream later this week - and we're invited. Pretty sure that's another special occasion. :)
~Stick to it!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day Fifty

You might be a redneck have an annual neighborhood potluck and burn party where the purpose is to fill an entire silage pit with flames and sit around in lawn chairs watching it burn. (For those of you who find this thought horrifying and dangerous, rest easy, it had spent all morning pouring rain, so nothing was burning that we hadn't planned on burning. In fact, we had quite a time burning what we HAD planned on burning, but that's another story.) Then you swap stories, swap food, contemplate aging, consider football scores, scoot close and roast your face, then back away and freeze your fanny.
     I can't tell you what all we burned because if I did, I'd have to kill you. (As the saying goes!) Plus, I'm not even sure what all it was. Included: lists of faults (ours and others!), formerly-fitting clothes, and a wooden chair that we decided to keep just as someone else tossed it in. (Go figure.) I found out My Better Half is the biggest "pyro" in his whole family and that at some point you just have to quit screaming and trust that he's an adult who knows how close he can get without falling in, even if you don't tell him repeatedly. (As I'm writing this, I realize that our generation has adapted several extreme words to use as slang for their less-extreme counterparts. For example, MBH isn't really a pyro. He just likes fire. And who doesn't? I mean, everybody enjoys a nice campfire now and then!)
     I can't tell you what all we ate either, because some of it is best left unmentioned on a blog about P90X. :) But the cake (I mean, food) was good, the coffee was good, and the company was good.
     This week begins our second recovery week. I'm cutting back to four servings of protein a day and increasing to two carbs a day. Pretty exciting stuff! I can almost do a half a chinup unassisted and my stomach still makes quite a saggy frowning face when I do a shoulder stand. Win some, lose some!
     Keep at it, and if life gets you down, have a little fun. :) Go burn something! (In a safe and controlled environment, burning only that which is legal to burn and healthy for the ozone, and setting up a clear and large perimeter protecting all pets, small or not so small children, and expensive vehicles. I am not responsible or liable for any accidents or incidents which result from your personal pursuit of any suggestion in this blog. See even smaller print for details.)
~Stick to it!