Friday, October 8, 2010

Day Sixty One

Don't ask. :)

Day Sixty One

The good news - I can almost get close to doing the whole right angle pose in Yoga. The bad news - the nutrition plan has definately not become habit yet. (That's an understatement.)
~Stick to it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day Sixty

Two thirds done and nothing to report today. Slacker!

Day Fifty Nine

I have discovered a dangerous error in the P90X program. Not only can the actual exercises be hazardous to your health, so can the results of said training. For example, did Shoulders and Arms/Ab Ripper this morning. Spiffed up for work, drove into town. Stopped to get fuel, paid inside and added a raspberry tea to my total. (Tea is healthy, right? The lack of carbonation makes up for the sugar?) As I left the store, I was contemplating how much better my upper arms are looking. (P90X: Good for the body, bad for the character.) My healthy self-esteem was quickly rising to an unhealthy level. The sun was shining, I was dressed to impress, and my biceps said I could do it, too. Confident, eyes straight ahead, I swaggered to the car, slid in effortlessly and...
     Shut the door on my foot. Smooth. Very smooth. "Pride goes before a fall..."
~Stick to it!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day Fifty Eight

Worst day of Cardio ever. I started out so tired that I wasn't planning on making it through the whole workout. But I thought, "I'll start it and I can always finish tonight." (Of course, that was not appealing at all, but I am determined not to get behind again.) And, what do you know, by the middle of the workout, I was doing better. Got a bit of the fabled "second wind." (Of course, then the sails deflated and by the end I was calling Tony Horton lots of nasty names!)
     Good news is, I'm still on track for Shoulders and Arms/Ab Ripper tomorrow. Just take it a day at a time and do more than you think you should have to for the day.
~Stick to it!

Day Fifty Seven

We're on the home stretch now! Four more weeks of lifting, one more recovery week, and it's finished. (Either that or we're finished. One of the two.) The motto for this month is "Leave it all on the mat." Push to the limit. All my muscles should be conditioned and stretched by now. (Plus, I am now used to being sore all the time. I hardly notice it!)
     Revisiting Chest and Back/Ab Ripper today. I now have my arms in the air for the first two ab exercises. (Which means I'm back to rolling all over the place trying to keep my balance. How do they do it?) I can also do a few straight leg ("guy") pushups before going to my knees to complete the set. The weight amount I'm lifting has gotten a little better, though not as much as I was hoping for. Oh well - maybe this last month is where it really kicks in. :)
~Stick to it!