Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day Sixty Nine

I think I'm obsessing. I did Legs and Back/Ab Ripper this morning, Kenpo in the evening, allowing myself "King of Queens" when it came on halfway through Kenpo. (My new favorite TV show. Actually, it's my only TV show. I have a pretty low tolerance for sitcoms. For TV in general, really. To the point of rudeness - just ask my friends. I'm that person that will turn someone else's TV off in their own house if I can't leave the room.) I was pondering adding an X Stretch before bed, but age won out and I just went to sleep. I am bound and determined to add in all the workouts I missed. My Better Half says I'm crazy (which is true) but I'm enjoying the challenge. I only have one extra Kenpo remaining. (And several X Stretch, but those are easy to add in because they are low-impact and just an hour. Doing one before bed seems to help me sleep better, too.)
     I still like the leg routine the least, but I am improving. I can survive the whole routine! I even add a few of the extras, like a knee raise on the deadlift squats. Jumping jacks are no longer hard, something which has dumbfounded me. I can't say I hate them anymore!
~Stick to it!

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