Monday, October 11, 2010

Day Sixty Five

When the going gets tough, the tough get going! (The rest of us fall over and eat dirt.) Kenpo this morning and Chest/Shoulders/Triceps/Ab Ripper tonight after work. Talk about sheer force of will power! (At least I have finally found a good use for all my stubborness!) This is where the rubber meets the road. (Right now, I feel like I'm BETWEEN the rubber and the road. Can someone else please brush my teeth for me tonight? My arms hurt too much!)
     But at some point, you have to stand up and say enough. No more. The end. I will finish this if it kills me. (I think the chances of that are fairly high. I would write out a will, but I don't anticipate people fighting over my quirky car and imitation jewelry.) There is no time like the present to take steps to fulfill your resolutions. (Plus, the way things stand, I'll be doing doubles from now until November as it is. Any further behind and I'll have to change P90X to P90-days-plus-a-lot-more-because-I'm-a-slackerX. Don't want to do that. It is very important that I be done with this before Thanksgiving pies and Christmas candy!)
     "Way too many people quit way before they should." -Tony Horton.
     Not just at P90X, but on life, on other people, and on themselves. You always have a choice.
~Stick to it!

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