Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day Sixty Six

Two unfortunate items of note: My daily task list now includes "vacuum ladybugs." This Debbie-Downer is compounded by the fact that, at last, I have searched Google and found it wanting. Apparently there is no better advice in the world for ridding oneself of the pests than "vacuum them up every day and use candles and room freshener to mask their unpleasant smell." (The smell, by the way, turns out to be the scent of their blood, which is also the yellow stuff they leave behind when you move them.It's the bug version of wetting yourself when you're scared. Interesting bit of scientific information, but ultimately useless.) Other ever-so-helpful hints included covering all your windows with black trash bags (what's the point of windows, then?) and burying your home in a certain type of expensive dirt. (If I wanted to live underground, I would be.)
      The second: I have just killed the largest spider I have ever seen. It was in my house. Running across my living room floor. I have left the carcass out for My Better Half to survey when he returns from work. Why don't vermin come out when he's home? The good news? If ever there is a burglar, I will say to him, like David: "I have vanquished the spider and the snake and you will be like one of them!" (1 Samuel 17, paraphrased)
     After Cardio this morning and X Stretch tonight, I suppose the day would have been too easy without some kind of excitement. Or something like that.
~Stick to it!

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