Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day Twenty Seven

Another black mark for Wii - it DIScourages real exercise! Case in point: We finally got around to checking into redeeming our credit card points. Turns out you can get stuff or just free money! So we turned in most of our points, went to the store, and lucked out with a black Wii set. (I like that it matches our TV and other decor in the living room. Matching is good!) Never would have spent good money on expensive frivolities without a lot of discussion and saving otherwise. Came home, My Better Half (MBH) set it up, and we spent the rest of the day...not working out. :) Had the family over, indulged our self-absorbed side as we created our Mii, enjoyed a good supper (fed them all beans and sent them home!) and engaged in a week's worth of outdoor sports without leaving the comfort of our couch!
     Granted, it seems a bit harsh to blame an inanimate object for our moral failures. Especially considering that, though the Wii created the opportunity for socialization, it didn't monopolize all interaction. We turned it off over supper, discussed non-Wii-related topics, and MBH and I took the folks walking around town while the brothers played.
     Bottom line: I can berate myself for falling yet another day behind on P90X, or I can get up and make a different choice the next day. Made a mistake or multiple ones? You don't have to make the same choice today.
~Stick to it!

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