Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day Twenty Five

I think my heart rate gets up higher with Kenpo than Cardio. In part, you just seem to move more. It's sort of like Ab Ripper for the heart...Heart Ripper? I can see why they didn't call it that! Plus, to quote My Better Half (MBH) "It's fun!" It's enjoyable, unoffensive aggression in a non-provocative way. :) It's Wii on steroids! (Ok, it's late, even for us, as I'm writing this, so pardon the dorkiness!)
     On a rabbit trail: I have nothing against Wii. In fact, we hope to get one soon. It's great. But c'mon - advertising it as an ACTIVE video game? That's a stretch. You don't even have to stand up to get a decent score on most of the games. You're moving your wrists AND fingers instead of just your fingers. Whoop dee do. Granted, any improvement is worth applauding. But maybe Junior should be required to walk outside or to a gym, or even just down to the basement to a real basketball hoop in order to generate the type of exercise excitement the promoters of Wii are trying to inspire. I don't object to the game, just the false advertising.
      Ok, enough ranting over Wii. Poor little electronic doesn't know what hit it. Besides, I sat down over supper and figured out that if I do two-a-days the next three days, I'll be caught up and ready for the real work to begin again. Can hardly wait. Makes me tired thinking about it! If I don't turn in soon, I won't get up early enough to fit in all my eating and exercising and eating and exercising and eating tomorrow before going to bed. Can't have that! :)
~Stick to it! 

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