Monday, August 30, 2010

Day Twenty Three

So by now I can't even remember how far behind I am on my workouts. I'll pretty much have to do two-a-days the whole recovery week to recover from all the recovering I did the past three weeks. By then I'll be so exhausted from recovering that I'll be glad to return to the regular workouts so I don't have to recover anymore!
     The only way I know what day I'm supposed to be on is this blog - which I'm also behind on! That's why the posts have such boring titles. The only way to stay organized is to be boring. But, I am resolved to do my best to buckle down and catch up this week. I have to - next week I go back to work and will have even less time to do all the things I don't have time to do when I'm taking time off! Now that's what you call ironic! (Yep. Pirates again, it's compulsive!)
     On the bright side, My Better Half and I did Yoga together. A vast improvement over solo Yoga. Instead of being frustrated because I'm falling over all the time from trying to imitate a twisting triangle that's praying while standing on one leg, we can laugh it's impossibility.
~Stick to it!

1 comment:

  1. Keep on keeping on. I am lifting 10 pound weights 10 times bicep, 10 times triceps. Two to three reps. No big deal, but better than nothing. And it MUST be building muscles which are heavier than fat, because I've edged up a couple of pounds and don't see it coming down. Could it be that I'm cutting out sweets and filling that void with mixed nuts? Give in an inch, and you gain more pounds. Aaargh! (Is THAT from Pirates of the Caribbean?)
