Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day Twenty Six

"Practice makes perfect" may be a bit of a stretch, but there is something to be said for repetition typically assisting improvement. Yoga today, even without the added entertainment of My Better Half trying to manipulate his six foot six frame into a pretzel, seemed a tad easier. Whatdaya know!
     My other current challenge is trying to come up with recipes high in protein and veggies, low in carbs. I was raised to plan your meal based on a meat, a veggie, and a starch. Eliminate the sauces that turn a meat into a topping, and the problem is compounded. Multiply that by needing a whole lot, every day. (We eat a bag of frozen veggies and a pound of meat twice a day!) I thought I had it this evening. Two pounds ground venison, nearly three pounds ground beef, a bag of black beans, three large cans stewed tomatoes, onions, peppers, spices. It was only after I had cooked the beans that I looked in the manual and discovered that black beans are in the same category as rice. Blast! Oh well - I still think the meat/carb ratio is good enough to be healthy. :)
     ~Stick to it!

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