Monday, September 6, 2010

Day Thirty

It's official! Thirty days done, only sixty more to go. Week five also brings a new routine: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. The good news - no pullups. The bad news - lots of pushups. The good news - I can do one arm pushups! The bad news - I'm still doing the knee variation. ("Girl" pushups for those of you still sexist enough to use the term.)
     This morning we didn't have enough time to do Ab Ripper after lifting (I know! Huge bummer, right?) so we popped it in this evening before supper. Tell you one thing - as a workout, it seemed harder starting it cold like that. But I'm not going to object to getting done in sixteen minutes. (Did I say the workout was twenty minutes long in an earlier post? That's because I thought it WAS twenty minutes. On the DVD, at ten minutes to go, Tony says "Halfway there!" Apparently, math isn't his strong suit either.)
     ~Stick to it!

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