Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day Thirty One

Red letter day! First of all, I kicked tush on Cardio today. Even did an extra rep at the end of most of the exercises. Contemplated the idea of trying Plyometrics next time. (It was a fleeting contemplation. The thought of all that jumping around has no attraction for me outside of the fitness challenge. There's a reason I don't play any sport that requires vertical movement!)
     Second, I think I'm beginning to see some definition in the midsection. I put on twenty pounds within the first five months of getting married. When I ran screaming into the bedroom to blurt out the awful truth, My Better Half (being a calm and stable type) replied "I think that was to be expected. You're still hot!" (He's a keeper!) As my parents gifted me with a healthy body-esteem, it wasn't so much the amount as the placement that incensed me. I do not appreciate looking for jeans too big in the legs, so that they button over the gut. 
     Thirdly, first day back at work and it went well. I got up on time, did my workout, got all beautified, and still had time to eat before leaving. I wasn't sure how all the exercising, eating and working was going to work out. :) So far, so good!
~Stick to it!

1 comment:

  1. You make me proud! Who knows, maybe you will get more done when you are doing more! I don't know how it works, but those full time workers who get as much done at home as I do seem to prove something. It must be something about motivation and the need for stressors in our lives to keep us accomplishing things and reaching goals. And then, there is something to be said about cherishing moments in a lifetime that speeds quickly by day after day. Moment after moment. Really living. Getting to ponder on wonderful sons who doubled their wonderfulness by bringing delectable women into our family. Keep at it, you are inspiring me to do so! Bring your favorite workouts down this weekend and entertain Seather and us!
