Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day Thirty Three

Held the Yoga crane for two seconds today. (And for those of you who aren't impressed, you can try to best that feat next time I see you!) I don't mean to brag (well, actually I do, which is what usually follows that type of statement!) but I also did a pushup in the middle of each Vinyasa. (Ok, I'll admit it, once again, they were knee pushups, but still...a few weeks ago I couldn't even make it through all those nine-step torture-by-contortion punishments that were mandatory between every other experiment designed to exhaust every muscle I didn't know existed. Much less do the optional pushup in the middle.)
     Personally, I think "Practice makes perfect!" is a load of hooey. Perfection is a nice thought, but unobtainable this side of heaven. A person can crush the joy out of life by trying to do the impossible. (Note: there is a marked difference between the 'impossible' and the 'extremely difficult.' Humanity is capable of doing much more than they often think. By all means, aim for what has never been done before. Many accomplishments once thought impossible have proven merely extremely difficult. However, perfection is impossible, so give it up.)
     Therefore, I like to think, "Practice makes better." After four weeks of working on the guns, my triceps still flap like "grandma's seatbelt" but I've graduated to using two chairs for chair dips. I did succumb to a piece of dessert tonight (homemade caramel cream cheese flan, completely worth every illegal bite) but it's gotten easier to renounce the daily sugar of the past. And though I wander off into old patterns of thought or action, I understand that there is still work being done as I "press on to the goal, to the upward call."
~Stick to it!

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