Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day Forty Three

Completely blew the diet out of the water. Cornbread, dumplings, pop, puppy chow, unmeasured gravy...I didn't hold back. Company can be good for the soul, bad for the health. :) What can I say? I'm a bit of a rebel, so I can usually hold my own with peer pressure. But I have a weakness for food (especially of the peanut butter and chocolate variety) so success is dependent more upon my resistance to the devil within than without. I could blame the "friends" (you know who you are, and that I still love you!) that brought the junk food and bailed on the accountability. I could blame the lack of a schedule, or the challenge of long-term entertaining with water and vegetables. Unfortunately, the accusatory finger faces only me. I was waiting for a chance to abandon principle, and when it came, I took it.  
     Is that how it always is? Is the truth of the matter that the primary reason I've avoided past temptations (of the non-food variety) was that they were not true enticements? A tumble to the dark side has dual causes: external availability and internal desire. A few philosophical equations of which you may ponder the veracity:

Availability + Desire = Dangerous Temptation.
Availability + Apathy = Illusory Temptation.
Scarcity + Desire = Imposed Resistance.
Scarcity + Apathy = Successful Resistance.

     I'm done thinking for the night, so I'll close. As penance for my non-diet, I made myself do Chest/Shoulders/Triceps tonight. First time in some time I've started the week on Sunday like I'm supposed to instead of opting to attempt a double on Monday. (Not that I often end up doing the intended Monday double, but on Sunday evening I convince myself I can pull it off.) What do you know? Went faster than I expected. And...for the very first time I DID THE WHOLE AB RIPPER X! This day, I was successful at something I've never accomplished before. And tomorrow, I'll even eat my protein for breakfast. :)
~Stick to it!

1 comment:

  1. Puppy Chow: Scarcity + Desire = Imposed Resistance. What I wouldn't give for some puppy chow right now. I wonder if something like that could be shipped...:D
    Miss you!
