Friday, September 24, 2010

Day Forty Eight

Legs & Back/Ab Ripper. Blech. I am relieved to see that I have finally past the halfway point on the worksheet. Now I can begin the joyful task of counting down the number of times remaining on this detestable routine. I shouldn't complain. It's actually organized quite well, one set of pullups followed by two leg exercises and repeat. But my legs are burning by the time the warmup is over and it only gets worse from there. What kind of person thinks it's ok to put wall squats AND one-legged wall squats in the same sixty minutes?
     The up side? I think I see some definition in my back from all those pullups. (My Better Half looked too long before agreeing with me, earning himself a healthy glare!) So I'm pulling out the halter dress for tonight. But I gotta end this. I have a hot date! (If a somewhat blind one!) :)
~Stick to it!

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