Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day Forty Five

Halfway there! Isn't it funny that time can both speed by and drag out? Part of me can hardly wait to be done, eating more freely (of course, I've been doing some of that already!) and exercising less (though I don't see how I can get any less than the days I did nothing!) and no longer keeping track of the workouts I've missed. (My Better Half says I should let go of that particular obsession, but I'm being unsubmissive.) Next week is another recovery week, then we're on the home stretch.
     I did Cardio after work tonight. It's my new favorite workout. (To be honest, I like Kenpo pretty well also, but I'm more successful with the Cardio warmup.) The scale hasn't changed much, and there's still an extra roll around the waistline, but I am feeling better about my overall strength and fitness.
     P90X has three levels of diet: Fat Shredder, Energy Booster, and Endurance Maximizer. We've been on Fat Shredder since we started, so next week I think I'll try switching to Energy Booster. I haven't gotten rid of all the tummy jelly yet, but "they say" that too few calories can also result in the body storing fat. It's probably good to switch it up now and then anyway. Plus, I'm tired of "Protein and veggies" being the answer to every "What's to eat?" question.
~Stick to it!

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