Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day Forty Six

My Better Half (MBH) and I have a long-standing..."discussion" on the pros and cons of high school athletics. Being a high school athlete himself, he would be on the pro side. Not that I am completely opposite, but (not being a high school athlete) I am of the opinion that die-hards may occasionally overlook the con side. (One of my many soapboxes!) He is naturally athletic and has been trained in basketball, etc. I would have to say that I am...not so much. In fact, most would probably call me flat out uncoordinated. (We have a running joke about the number of times I have elbowed him in the face, completely by accident, just because I can't seem to keep track of my own body parts.)
     This last round was centered around the concept of determination. Perseverance. Stick-to-it-ness. What makes a person continue on a course that is difficult? Personality? Parenting? Motivation? Life experiences? (Which may or may not include organized athletics.) Why in the world would someone choose to do Back/Biceps/Ab Ripper week after week, when they could instead choose to get twelve other tasks accomplished in that ninety minutes?
      Maybe twelve tasks is an exaggeration. Even if I'm sure that something will "just take a couple minutes," it always takes longer is and is more involved than I expected. If I go to sweep the kitchen floor, by the time I'm done, I've swept the whole house, killed and disposed of five spiders, shook the rugs, scrubbed the sticky spots, picked up a few misplaced items, answered two phone calls, replaced a light bulb, planned lunch and set out the frozen chicken. And I still am only able to cross one item off my to-do list! (Unless I add all the things I did to my to-do list so that I can cross them off, which I frequently do because I feel more successful that way!) 
     Anyway, if high school athletics is where MBH learned to see a committment through to the end, then good for him. Unless my elbows somehow figure where they are in relation to my brain, he's going to need perseverance "Til death do us part!"
~Stick to it!

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