Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day Forty Four

Either I should start a sadistic blog entitled "My Life with Ancient and Decrepit Automobiles" or I should count my blessings that we have so many ancient and decrepit automobiles that we always have an ancient and decrepit automobile to drive even though one is constantly in the shop. Actually, I can't complain too much. (Well, I can, but it isn't justified!) We do have one high-class blue streak, but My Better Half (being the better half, the larger of us two, and having the least flexible job) gets to drive it, leaving me with the joys of our ancient and decrepit fleet. (Not that I would have it any other way, for those of you may be about to call him to account! I will stubbornly defend my right to drive the fleet as I have chosen. I just like complaining about it!)
     Anyway, the above paragraph is primarily a smoke screen in order to conceal the fact that, once again, I didn't exercise. (In my defense, it was due at least in small part to the malfunctioning fleet.) By the time I got home and put the groceries away, I was so tired, I went to bed. Besides, I like doing Cardio on Tuesdays better anyway!
~Stick to it!

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