Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day Seventy Three

Ok, this may sound a little strange, but I hate to see Shoulders & Arms/Ab Ripper go. When I started, I had decent triceps, acceptable biceps, and wimpy shoulders. The combo meant each exercise found me switching weight plates. Eleven weeks later, I've finally gotten them evened out so I use the same poundage (Is that a word? I doubt it!) for most of the exercises. (Upon reflection, apparently that means that my shoulders have improved a lot, my biceps a little, and triceps...not so much. Win some, lose some.) And now, I'm done with that particular routine.
     On a more encouraging note, whereas Dreya (gal on the DVD) was using 10 pounds for one exercise (see Day Ten post) I am now using about 12.5 pounds! Boo yah!
     ~Stick to it!

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