Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day Fifty Six

Note to self: do not do Yoga and X Stretch on the same day either. Again, some serious duplication. Not that I minded this time - since I had already stretched out earlier, I was more flexible than usual. Would have made Gumby jealous. (Ok, not really. Gumby was ridiculous. And his donkey or horse or whatever that orange critter was...I think even it was more flexible than me. Of course, they don't have bones.)
     I was contemplating gender again. Men are naturally stronger in their arms. They also tend to favor weightlifting, which increases upper body strength. Women typically have stronger legs. They tend to favor exercises such as Yoga, which strengthens the lower body and core. Both groups gravitate toward developing the areas of their body which begin genetically stronger. When in reality, maybe guys should do a greater proportion of Yoga; gals, more weights. Not saying ditch the other, but flip-flop the ratio for a more balanced body. Hmmm? (Of course, part of that theory stems from the number of muscled-up dudes with chicken legs. Makes me wonder what would happen if you pushed them those little egg-shaped people toys, only upside down.)
      Of course, "Welcome to the Leg-Gun show" doesn't have the same ring to it. (Reminds me of Legos, whose body parts detach. Don't want that!) And I don't want to have to slit my sleeves just so that they don't bind my biceps.
     Anyway, apparently I am on a historical toy kick tonight. Gumby, Legos, the little egg-people. (Now, sonny, back in MY day they had real toys that fostered imagination and creativity, like Lincoln Logs. After I trudged three miles home from school, uphill in the snowdrifts, me and Billy, who was Jack's second cousin after he married the third-oldest Jensen girl who died of the flu which is why you should always get your flu shot even though now I have this awful creak in my left elbow, would always build forts out of Lincoln Logs.) I should probably go to bed.
~Stick to it!
PS-Disclaimer: I truly enjoy the opportunity to be around my elders, so the above was in no way meant as a personal slam on their conversation skills. It was meant to be a random, late-night conceived, rabbit trail. Any similarity to actual discussions is completely coincidental. :)

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