Monday, September 27, 2010

Day Fifty

You might be a redneck have an annual neighborhood potluck and burn party where the purpose is to fill an entire silage pit with flames and sit around in lawn chairs watching it burn. (For those of you who find this thought horrifying and dangerous, rest easy, it had spent all morning pouring rain, so nothing was burning that we hadn't planned on burning. In fact, we had quite a time burning what we HAD planned on burning, but that's another story.) Then you swap stories, swap food, contemplate aging, consider football scores, scoot close and roast your face, then back away and freeze your fanny.
     I can't tell you what all we burned because if I did, I'd have to kill you. (As the saying goes!) Plus, I'm not even sure what all it was. Included: lists of faults (ours and others!), formerly-fitting clothes, and a wooden chair that we decided to keep just as someone else tossed it in. (Go figure.) I found out My Better Half is the biggest "pyro" in his whole family and that at some point you just have to quit screaming and trust that he's an adult who knows how close he can get without falling in, even if you don't tell him repeatedly. (As I'm writing this, I realize that our generation has adapted several extreme words to use as slang for their less-extreme counterparts. For example, MBH isn't really a pyro. He just likes fire. And who doesn't? I mean, everybody enjoys a nice campfire now and then!)
     I can't tell you what all we ate either, because some of it is best left unmentioned on a blog about P90X. :) But the cake (I mean, food) was good, the coffee was good, and the company was good.
     This week begins our second recovery week. I'm cutting back to four servings of protein a day and increasing to two carbs a day. Pretty exciting stuff! I can almost do a half a chinup unassisted and my stomach still makes quite a saggy frowning face when I do a shoulder stand. Win some, lose some!
     Keep at it, and if life gets you down, have a little fun. :) Go burn something! (In a safe and controlled environment, burning only that which is legal to burn and healthy for the ozone, and setting up a clear and large perimeter protecting all pets, small or not so small children, and expensive vehicles. I am not responsible or liable for any accidents or incidents which result from your personal pursuit of any suggestion in this blog. See even smaller print for details.)
~Stick to it!


  1. Actually, some of us just might be pyros if given the chance...and a lot of money...

    Your blog is sounding great and going strong :-)
    Stick to it!

  2. Please do not be counting down the days until you don't blog anymore! I hope MBH is happily enjoying his 28th birthday with some good-for-you protein and a good hard P90X workout. After all, isn't he disciplined and tenaciously sticktuitive? (Like my new word?)

  3. There's protein in a brownie, isn't there? (The eggs maybe?)
