Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day Thirty Nine

Just to shake things up a bit, I'm writing this as I do Back/Biceps/Ab Ripper. Real time! Heck, I have to hit the pause button between every exercise anyway to write down lifting info and change out the weights.
     Speaking of which, I think those of us at home who don't have a state-of-the-art complete dumbell set (or two) lying around our house should get extra credit. I lift most of the weights three times - once to load the plates, once when I'm lifting, and once as I switch the plates back off the hand bar thingy. We have the old-school set with two footlong bars and removable plates. Slide the proper plates on the bar, secure with washers and screws, do your lifting, reverse the process to change the weights for the next lift.
     Not only is this time-consuming and works the muscles above and beyond the call of duty, it's dangerous. The little screws stick out on the sides - I almost gouged my chin when I curled too high! Not to mention the constant threat of a washer coming loose and dropping twenty pounds on an unsuspecting toe. Years ago, I dropped a plate on a toe and the toenail still grows in two pieces. Very inconvienient for applying nail polish! The danger factor is especially apparent during Coehen Curls, a lovely lift that allows you to do wall squats while doing curls. What joy. Also, your face is right down by your knees, the perfect target for the rising weights.
     It's time for Ab Ripper and I'm so hungry I think about skipping. I haven't had supper yet because it's so blasted hard to properly space all the eating and exercising. How can you eat five times a day and exercise an hour or more each day if you have to wait an hour after eating to exercise? By the time your stomach is settled from breakfast, it's time for snack! But I get out the cushy mat. If I quit now, I'll have to add it back in somewhere anyway.
~Stick to it~

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