Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day Thirty Eight

Cardio today. My current favorite workout. Ever notice how we tend to favor things we're good at? I like food because when I make it, it tastes good. (Except I don't make pancakes. They burn every time and I'm not a fan of charcoal even though I'm sure somewhere there's a study done by some research group that says that a certain amount of daily charcoal is good for.) I don't like raqquetball because I'm bad at it. (It's hard to hit the blasted little zingy ball when your primary focus is on ducking so it doesn't take you out. Not to mention raqquetball courts often are enclosed in glass so that everyone in the whole gym can stop to point and laugh as you run around in a crouch with raqquet held up as a protective umbrella.)
     Then, cause I was feeling good (and cause I was one behind from one of my sleep-in days) I did Ab Ripper after Cardio. I can actually complete the whole workout now. (If you allow for a few adjustments to make some of the moves easier. I figure I'll go for finishing first, then for finishing AND doing everything the way they do it!) It inflates my ego even more to know that when I tried to get my personal trainer brother to do some with me, HE was complaining about how hard it was! (Of course, I think mostly he just wanted to be difficult!)
~Stick to it!

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