Friday, September 17, 2010

Day Forty One

Two of my brothers popped over today for lunch and to play some Wii. Little did they know! :) Being the good sports they are, they let me talk them into doing Ab Ripper with me first. I figure, fair is fair. They should provide me with a little entertainment before they enjoy our entertainment center. :) Besides, I hadn't had time to do it earlier because I had been cleaning the house for them. (Well, them and my non-related weekend company.)
     And they were entertaining! Certain workouts are far more fun to do in a group. They had trouble balancing on their tush, too. They were cracking jokes and complaining good-naturedly - the laughing did make the actual exercising a bit harder however. Plus, by yourself, when muscles start cramping, it's easy to talk yourself into taking a break. But if HE isn't stopping, by gum, I ain't stopping!
     That's true in other areas as well. Knowing that I'm not the only wife who occasionally gets all bent out of shape about something obscure (or not so obscure!) is reassuring. Watching another couple still talking nicely to each other after being married forever means that it can be done. Nothing wrong with a little healthy (and positive) comparison either. My Better Half may hog the computer games when he's home, but he cleans the bathroom at least fifty percent of the time. And he's picked up pretty quick that if I'm cranky, the best thing to do is cuddle me and make me take a nap. (Guess I never quite grew out of that stage!) Since we're gonna be married til we keel over, might as well make it a positive experience!
~Stick to it!

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