Friday, November 5, 2010



(And for the record, I am never doing Yoga again.)
(By the way, due to...a lot of things...I did Yoga and Kenpo back to back today- 2.5 hours of exercise straight.)
(Well, actually, back to back but with a lot of breaks due to...a lot of things...which means I pretty much spent all day working out. From 12:30pm to 11:00pm to be exact. Like I said. A lot of breaks. Due to a lot of things.)

And even though I know it's sounds a bit too Grammys to have thank yous forever at the end, I really do have to give commendations to My Better Half. Though he may not have completed the P90X program as of yet, he really stepped it up to make sure I finished. He gave up TV time (so I could use the DVD's) and computer time (so I could blog) and cuddle time (so I could get all sweaty and stinky exercising) and couch time (in order to take on extra household duties - especially this past week - to give me the sixty, ninety, even one hundred fifty minutes I needed each day for the program.) He even did kitchen tasks! He also patiently endured the emotional rollercoaster as I made the rounds of determination ("I am not doing anything else til I'm done with my workout today!") exhaustion ("I'm too tired for...anything!") depression ("I'm so overwhelmed with everything I have to do!") exhileration ("I can do a pushup!") and aggression ("Leave me alone, I'm busy!"). I couldn't ask for a better husband.

Would I recommend P90X? Sure! I got more fit. (Though my pants still don't fit much better, but then, I took a lot of diet breaks. And a lot of workout breaks, too.) It was fun. (Except for the Yoga part, which was interesting, but fun?) It was affordable. (Though I may have croaked at the cost at the beginning, the equipment and DVD's can be used indefinately, so it still seems to be a good deal in the long run.) It had a lot of variety. (Though I would have preferred less variety, more Kenpo!) It was doable. (However, I would recommend a cancellation of any unecessary parts of your life during its duration. Like socializing. Especially around people who eat anything besides lettuce.)

And it was finishable.

Ninety days may seem like an eternity and a lifetime feels unlimited. But both come to an end. There is value to staying the course in both. "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day..." -2 Timothy 4:7-8
     ~Stick to it!

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