Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day Eighty Eight

Kenpo this morning and Yoga before bed. I am surprised that doing doubles every day isn't as bad as one might think. I suppose the human frame is much more capable than we give it credit for! However, I have discovered we are constantly out of food. Especially meat. I am always hungry! :) It's hard to find a steady, readily available stream of protein. Carbs are so much more handy: cold cereal, toast, pasta (Oh, the pasta. I love pasta.) rice, and so many other quick and easy foods. Meat requires deep freeze mining, defrosting, searing, baking, cooling, and cutting. By that time, I'm likely to have keeled over stone dead! Or as my college roomate was fond of saying: "My stomach is eating itself!" (Ok, slight exaggeration. Slight.)
      Side note - I am definately maybe ditching Yoga after Friday. My wrists are starting to hurt because of all the Downward Dog and other postures that basically settle all my body weight on two bent wrists and then stay there for "5 deep breaths" which basically means until you can't breathe anymore. But I'm a fan of the not-jumping part of Yoga, so I'm still undecided.
     ~Stick to it!

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