Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day Eighty Five

The good news: I figured out how to mesh two weeks into one and finish at exactly ninety days. The bad news: To fit it all in, I had to do Yoga tonight instead of X Stretch. The worse news: I didn't sit down and graph this all out until ten pm, meaning it's nearly midnight and I just finished my workout.
     The better news: I did my last make-up Kenpo this afternoon, so all systems are go for the final lap. Now comes the challenging part - carrying through. Tuesday will be brutal. And Friday, I just might have to choose between seeing family and finishing. I hope they still know I love them!
     But I already have the homemade doughnut recipe picked out for Saturday. (Not that I ended up following the diet very closely anyway, but on Saturday I will no longer feel guilty for not following it more closely!)To be so close and not finish out would be crummy.
     We have friends divorcing after forty years together. I still love both of them, and it's not my place to address them. But inside my head, I'm pleading with them. "You're so close! Why give up now? There is so much to be gained by finishing!" What makes someone so tired that they choose to leave the track just as they begin the final lap? One thing I am sure of: it doesn't have to be that way. "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13)
     ~Stick to it!

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