Friday, August 13, 2010

Day Twelve

Let's be practical. Ninety days may be a limited time, but I think I'll make it the ninety days I'm actually home. I did my Legs & Back/Ab Ripper, and ate according to plan until 3:30pm, then closed the door on the house and the program. I'll get back on the wagon when I return. Granted, I'm not going hogwild - eating every dessert on the menu, requesting a motorized cart to ride down the hall to my hotel room, demanding others lift even my pencil. But I already pack everything but the kitchen sink. I don't need to add protein drinks, protein bars, recovery drinks, food scale, chin-up bar, complete weight set, gym shoes, workout sheets, yoga mat, an extra chair, DVD get the picture. I'd have to rent a U-Haul, just to leave for the weekend!
     By the way, before I left, we ventured into new territory of a different sort. The dinner we didn't recognize! Did you know that swordfish tastes like salmon-flavored pork loin? And quinoa (which is spelled so oddly that they have to print a pronunciation guide on the front of the packeage "Say: 'Keen-wah'") tastes like corn-flavored rice, only in little round bits instead of grains. Soba noodles are quite good, even though strands of hard winter wheat doesn't sound very appealing.
     Nevertheless, I made an educated decision to step out of P90X for a predetermined period of time. Without guilt, and no intention to repent afterwards. So when an opportunity for "Bunny Tracks" ice cream presented itself, I accepted. And when I was offered lasagna for supper, I ate it. (Some of the best lasagna I've ever had, by the way!) I have thirty-six more hours of freedom, then I'll buckle down again without regret. See you then!
~Stick to it!

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