Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day Ten

Shoulders & Arms/Ab Ripper X - round two. The DVD's always have four people in them: Tony giving instructions and three others (some guys, some gals) demonstrating various levels of ability or different techniques. Today I caught sight of the number on the weight the gal was using - ten pounds! And I had 7.5's! I felt buff. :) Of course, she had better form and did more reps than I did, but still...
     I also had guests for lunch today. I LOVE having people over, even more so if I can feed them. (Which is probably why I need to exercise regularly - I love food in general!) But I was a little nervous about what menu would work for both the "normal" people, and myself. Overhyped! We had hambugers and fruit and veggies. Normal food. I kept track of what I ate so that I would know what not to eat for supper. Other than that, stress free.
     So now I have gone out to eat, entertained in, cooked for myself, and packed meals for My Better Half. Maybe this whole eating healthy thing is easier than I think!
~Stick to it!

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