Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day Eleven

Seriously considered quitting. I may hate Ab Ripper, but it's twenty minutes of nonstop action. It may hurt, but you don't have time to stop and think about it. Yoga? Feels like a lifetime of hanging upside down in "Downward Dog" (hands/feet on floor, arms/legs straight, tush skyward, brain exploding and shoulders/hips threatening mutiny.) Not to mention the reason it's ninety minutes in the first place is because you hold each pose til you collapse, allowing for plenty of time to contemplate every possible meaning of the word insanity. (Yes, another "Pirates" paraphrase - I can't help it!)
     Three times I hit pause, drank water, and pondered getting on with the rest of my life minus Yoga X. My to-do list has about twenty things on it, it's already past noon, and I don't need this kind of stress in my  life. But, innate stubborness took over and I finished. Maybe not with the quality of last time, but it's done.
     Not only does the long haul require physical fortitude, it requires mental fortitude as well. Perhaps more so. And I just didn't have it today. It's tough to "Bring it" when half your energy is focused on reaming out someone for their faults. (Mentally, of course, as he's at work. Wise decision on his part!)
     My Better Half (MBH) and I may be perfect for each other, but we are not perfect. And the innate stubbornness that helps complete exercise becomes a hindrance in relationships. Most of the time, we agree that there really are two right ways to do things and it doesn't matter which way we do it. But sometimes my way is the BEST way, so why would we even consider doing it any other way? (Ok, so his way would work, too, but my way is still better. So there. Does that sound childish? Don't answer that.)
     Actually, better is probably a relative term. Depends on perspective, and goals, and values. And when it comes right down to it, my way is mostly better just because it would be better for me. So now I'm selfish and unhelpfully stubborn. I would eat to calm down (I have realized that I am an emotional eater, which is one of the reasons why I need P90X in the first place!) but I'm so full from breakfast and morning snack and second morning snack (it really does feel like you never stop eating!) that the thought of more food is depressing. (Which is ironic, and quite funny, come to think of it!)
     Resolved: I will apply my stubbornness to completing the formidable to-do list and banish the stubbornness that prevents character growth. And tonight, when MBH comes homes, I'll smile and be glad that we have decided to stubbornly stick together.
~Stick to it!       

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