Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day Seventeen

Chest & Back: pushups, chinups, pushups, pullups, more pushups. Note - decline pushups should be done with your feet up on a NON-SLIP surface! Otherwise, halfway through the grunting, your feet slip, driving your knees down into the carpet. When you roll onto your side, you will leave some skin behind. Then, throughout the rest of the workout, the knee pushups are agony. (There is no point in attempting actual pushups as they become an exercise in making weird faces as you try to get cooked-spagetti arms to propel you up, then once up, you shake and collapse, crushing said spagetti and then lying there contemplating not ever getting up. Ever. Very unproductive.)
     Another note - eat breakfast. Even though that means postponing a workout til later. (Just not too much later. See Day Sixteen.) I was in a hurry and didn't think I had time to eat breakfast, and workout, and get everything done. Besides, I used to always workout before eating. No biggie. Right? Wrong! By the end of Chest & Back, I was dogging it. Worn out. Bonking. In fact, I skipped Ab Ripper because I just didn't have it in me. The plan was to do a double today, adding Cardio in the evening to catch up. But I ended up leaving town for an overnighter and, well...didn't take Cardio along. But - Chest & Back is checked off.
~Stick to it!

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