Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day Nineteen

This is me polishing an imaginary medal on my jacket. "P90X Heroine" or something like that. :) This morning (well, our morning, which is afternoon to most of you) My Better Half (MBH) and I did Shoulders & Arms/Ab Ripper together. This in and of itself is worth noting, as our schedules seldom find us exercising together.
     Side note - It is a theory of mine that all good, long term relationships do (and should?) fall into habits of operation. For example, the one with a tendancy for "backseat driving" will probably do most of the actual driving. Some tasks are always completed together, others are better performed independantly. Division of labor is sometimes marked by preference (I enjoy cooking, and despise gardening, MBH the reverse) and sometimes decided by service. (We take turns cleaning the bathroom, I do most of the other cleaning, MBH does anything spidery-basement related.) The jury is still out on if we should exercise together!
     Then, I did Cardio to finish out my evening. Not too shabby! I almost didn't, as I French-tipped my nails while watching a movie before supper. And, as I had feared, the polish did smuge a bit. Oh well, I'll just wiggle my fingers all the time and maybe no one will notice! Cardio went better than I had expected. Kenpo tomorrow morning, but now maybe I won't dread the two-a-day again on Saturday as much. :) And next week is Recovery Week!
~Stick to it!  

1 comment:

  1. You are going to need a recovery week to recover from two a days week after vacation week. I think I may be in recovery season...also known as the middle ages.
