Monday, August 16, 2010

Day Fourteen

Two weeks down, eleven to go. Tried having my carb for breakfast today. Worked great, except then I was full for so long, I didn't get to Kenpo til snacktime. I think I'm resigned to the fact that I never will be able to get in all the eating at the appropriate times. Once again, I was very glad no one was watching. It's downright appalling how uncoordinated I am! They started doing those combination punches and I was still trying to figure out which direction my foot turns. (It is actually only physically possible to turn it one direction, but that concept is difficult to convey to a brain apparently already overloaded with the responsibility of moving more than one body part at a time!) Part of the time, I was just waving my arms and legs around to keep my heart rate up. After all, if the main purpose is cardio, wild and random flailing probably just as effective as a well-coordinated series of moves, right?
     ~Stick to it!

1 comment:

  1. More. More. We need more entertainment from you. Get back to the exercise/diet grind and feed us your wit.
