Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day Eighty Two

Ever notice that some weeks just aren't it? You may have started with the best of intentions, then you find yourself staring at Friday with no possible hope of recovering lost time, lost ground, and lost muscle. I wish somehow I would have been a different kind of person this week. One who got up and exercised instead of sleeping in. One who went home and worked out instead of catching a movie. One who had self-control and walked past the piece of cake (and the second one, and the cupcake, and the PB M&M's) that made all the exercising necessary in the first place.
     Regret. (Not going to get that time back.) Disappointment. (This was my last chance too! The end is in sight!) Disgust. (I am such a glutton!) Intimidation. (How will I ever finish on time now?)
     P90X isn't the only arena for such emotions either. (I wish I would have memorized more Scripture as a kid.) (I will never get another chance to witness to her.) (Why am I still making the same wrong choices?) (I just can't keep my life together!)
       "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning..." (Lamentations 3:22-23) No matter how many times I fall short in multiple areas of my life, morning continues to come.
      "For physical training IS of some value..." and godly disicplines more so and both can be begun again with the sunrise. (Or any time thereafter!)
~Stick to it!

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