Friday, October 29, 2010

Day Eighty Three

In light of recent developments (I did nothing this week) I have decided to consider this week a catch up week. (As opposed to the lagging behind week it actually was.) I have two unrecovered Kenpo days I missed over the last twelve weeks. I did one today. Doing one tomorrow puts me where I need to be in order to finish P90X on time. I may throw in some X Stretches just for kicks, but I have reviewed the evidence (The last day of every week you can do X Stretch OR rest. So I'm not actually slacking off by not doing all of them that I had the option to do.) and no longer feel compelled to make up the stretching I didn't have to do in the first place.
     Of course, this approach will pressurize next week (I will be forced to do doubles every day in order to complete weeks twelve and thirteen by Day 90. A workout missed will guarantee failure as it is next to impossible to do three workouts in a day, as well as ineffective.) but it's the home stretch! Give it all you've got!
     ~Stick to it!

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