Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Of May 21, 2011

There's a lot of hullaballoo about this Saturday. End of the world or wacko story? Call to prepare or just one more cult off its rocker? Personally, I'm just living life. I got to a point in my life where I decided - you have to pick something. Evidence is strong that people need something bigger than themselves. The more people you talk to, the more options of what that "something bigger" is. They are too contradicting to all be true. So you pick. One might call it playing the odds. In a sense, we are all gamblers. Most options give you some kind of second chance - reincarnation, purgatory then heaven, or simply nothingness. Not too bad. Some, though, make this life really matter. One shot, then eternity - heaven or hell. I like my odds. Don't get me wrong, I stick with Biblical Christianity for many other reasons. But I'm ok with living with the tension of a slight bit of uncertainty. Sooner or later we will all die and truth will no longer be debated.
     But I digress - what about Saturday? If you can't get in touch with me on Sunday and the rest of the world is in chaos (even more than usual) with thousands of disappearances across the globe - I would suggest you rethink your former spiritual positions. But if the Judgement Day RV's are still occupied come May 22, my faith hasn't changed. If the God of the Bible is right, than this life has an end. Whether by death or by Rapture, I won't be here forever. And if I care about you and your future, at some point I might ask you to consider your odds.
~Stick to it!

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