Sunday, April 24, 2011

These days too...

The "rule" is that, if you go to church on Christmas and Easter, you go to heaven. Or something like that. Well, I made Christmas, but I skipped Easter. What happens then? Does only half of me go to heaven? Or do I enjoy the pearly gates for only half of eternity? I could say that I didn't go because I was making a religious statement. Something like "You can qualify for heaven without going to church on Easter." Or protesting the hypocrisy of only attending two days a year. But I'm not really that radical. Nor did I put that much foresight into it.
     We got to bed late the night before and I forced myself out of it way too late the next morning and I was running behind and then next thing you know I'm seething mad at My Better Half (MBH) over six things even though I've only spat out three of them at him and only two of them actually apply to this morning and the last thing I want to do is show up on the morning of new dresses and new starts looking beautiful and feeling ugly.
     Easter is about Jesus dying because of my sin and returning to life because of His perfection. The Resurrection means that I have hope: Someone else took the punishment for the laws I have broken, I don't have to live in defeat, and I don't have to wonder about life after death. But life is still messy. I'm not perfect and sometimes I get tired of pretending I am. Is there a place to go where I can sit in the back row and cry, not because I'm broken over my wrongdoing or because I'm afraid of hell, but just because I'm ticked off that MBH isn't as perfect as I want - and neither am I? That place didn't seem to be church this morning.
     So I stayed home and stewed for a bit. Then I reminded myself that we still loved each other and that God already knew I wasn't perfect. Jesus paid for these days, too. And no, I didn't go to church on Easter, but that was never a requirement for heaven anyway.
~Stick to it!~

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